Force Focus Fundamentals
Course length: Two days
Course Description: Our Force Focus Fundamentals course is a reality-based training evolution designed to introduce and train students in the physiological and psychological conditions experienced during a use of force encounter. This course utilizes Simunition Non-Lethal Training Ammunition and weapons to immerse the student in scenario based encounters that will provide stress-inoculation and increase both confidence and ability in the event of an actual use-of-force. This course allows students to use personal and instructed tactics and techniques with actual firearms that have been converted to fire the Simunition FX round against skilled role players that will test their cognitive abilities and weapon skills.
Because of the nature of live fire training, even against the most realistic targets, training artificialities still exist. With Simunitions, all functionality of the weapon remains and only the lethality of live ammunition is removed. Students can expect this course to challenge their mental and physical abilities under stress and force split second decisions in the use of force. This is as close as you can get to an actual use of force in a training environment.
Topics covered in this course include:
Real world safety
Weapon handling in and out of the home
Introduction and familiarization with the Simunition system
Pre-force planning
Stress effects on the body/operating under stress
Threat anatomy
Shot placement and the reality of “stopping power.”
Critical target selection/point of aim
Human anatomy as it applies to use of force
Concealment clothing/drawing from concealment
Close quarters shooting
Defensive and offensive movement
Threat avoidance
Confronting and recognizing the threat
Pre-assault indicators
Use-of force decision making (shoot/don’t shoot)
Scenario based role player interactions with FX NLTA
Considerations for after a use-of-force and contact with law enforcement
Course Cost: $600.00
Long sleeve shirt and pants (mandatory for Simunitions use. Additional safety equipment will be provided)
Cover garment (button up shirt or jacket, only worn for scenario training).
Hydration. This course can be moderately physically demanding and hydration is important.
Groin protection. Mandatory for use during scenario training.
Personal handgun No Ammunition, with holster, magazine pouch and three magazines.
Optional (recommended) gear:
High protein snacks
Pen and paper for notes
Field cleaning kit
Class size: Minimum of 10
Prerequisites: None