Sage Dynamics
Purpose driven.
Vehicle Defense Handgun
Course length: Two Days
Course Description: The vehicle; be it sedan, coupe, truck or motorcycle, presents a number of unique challenges for self-defense and the defense of loved ones. From reduced mobility to the dangers of the comfort in patterns the vehicle provides; the access and potential use of a firearm inside or while entering/exiting a vehicle is a complicated problem that requires specific training to confront the non-traditional nature of fighting from or in an enclosed space. The Sage Dynamics Vehicle Defense course provides hands-on instruction and fundamental exercises for fighting in a confined environment, focusing on concepts and principles of close contact shooting and physical movement from less-than-ideal positions.
Instruction covered includes:
Real world safety
Can Vs Should engage
Equipment selection
In-vehicle carry
Ammunition selection
Vehicle body/glass ballistics
Threat (human) anatomy
Shooting positions
Austere shooting positions
On cover/off cover shooting
Confined space engagements
Interior/exterior defense of third parties
Rapid target/multiple target engagement
Judgement shooting
Course Cost: $600.00
Handgun, minimum of 3 magazines
Holster (cross draw and shoulder prohibited)
1000 rounds training ammo
20 rounds personal defense ammo (for ballistics section)
Ear and eye protection
Long sleeves and pants rec.
Optional (recommended) gear:
Field cleaning kit
Basic maintenance tools
Knee and elbow pads
Additional magazines for all weapons
Rifle with sling and 200 rounds of ammunition for day two (if carried)
Class size: Minimum of 10, no more than 20
Prerequisites: None